I usually find myself dragging my body out of bed when there's temple visits on the itinerary, Shwedagon was an exception though. After debating with myself what camera lenses to bring out for the day, like a woman (or any human) trying to figure out what blouse to wear only to change their mind just as they put their shoes on, we found ourselves out the door and into a taxi on our way to this golden monstrosity (I kid...it's quite beautiful) of a temple complex.

You'll know you're nearing the temple when you start seeing all the stalls selling various assortments of offerings that visitors, monks, and pilgrims alike, can purchase to make as an offering to the numerous gods represented at Shwedagon Zedi Daw. As we approached the white stairway that would lead us in we slipped off our flip flops and paid the KYAT8000 entrance fee (~AUD$8/~USD$6) . I was hoping I could get away with looking like one of the locals because I blend right in thanks to my every-south-east-asian-mixed-look , but my camera gave me away, and thankfully, they don't charge camera fees! Unlike some other places I know of.